Animation planning
I will be doing a trailer for a animated film. It will be stop motion and put together in after effects. The genre will be comedy and it'll be for all ages. I have chosen to do a trailer because I had a couple of ideas so I thought id put then all together.
Some ideas
The main characters will be 2 idiotic and clumsy policemen. They are best of friends who work and live with each other.
- They are running and one gets shot. The one that is shot blames the other one. Then a storm trooper comes out "Oh sorry wrong film", walks of and shows a "Hi mum" sign. The character that hasn't been shot kicks him.
- They go in the wrong direction and end up on a beach. They look at each other and then run to the sea. They stop and try and get their clothes of. One is angry he can't get them off. "Dude they won't come of". The other is on the floor in half "Yeah I know, I pulled to hard".
- Beginning- Starts of introducing them, they are best of friends. Mid shot of each character and their names. They live together…. Try to fit through the door at the same time. They even go to the toilet together.
- Driving to work singing alone to a really girly song. They park up and crashes the car. "Oh know not again Bob" "Sorry" reverses into another car. Then parks it and walk out of a damaged car into the police station.
- They are walking in a street and moan at a lady for walking to slow. A car speeds past and they cheer it on.
- Talk with a police captain "you have to go after….". Introduction to the villain, the Thrillernator. Who is a girly girl "Hi there", waving.
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